Performance Calendar

Please note, The DiMenna Center for Classical Music does not provide ticketing for the events at its location. To inquire about tickets to an event, please see the individual event for contact information.

Past Events

Toomai String Quintet: Passos Brasileiros

Toomai String Quintet, an ensemble dedicated to expanding the Latin American chamber music repertoire, celebrates the release of its new album “Passos Brasileiros” (Brazilian Steps) with a concert featuring music from the recording. Honoring Brazil’s vibrant musical legacy, this event... READ MORE

X is the new Y

The concept of “X is the new Y” has long been used in culture, fashion, and art to suggest a shift in perception or a redefinition of tradition. It plays on the idea that something seemingly unconventional or unexpected can... READ MORE

Music for Saxophones

Cobalt Quartet presents Tristan Keuris' monumental Music for Saxophones alongside Bach and a collection of works written in just the last four years. From Chris Evan Hass' vibrant, AC/DC-inspired baritone duo to the more delicate tones of Roger Tréfousse and... READ MORE